Sunday, October 31, 2021

Was Center Valley Animal Rescue Vet Christine Parker Graham Volunteer or NOT?

 Center Valley Animal Rescues Volunteer Vet sends INVOICE to City of Port Townsend Officer Wendy Davis, then CVAR sues for those same FEES. Christine Parker Graham testified under oath she was a “volunteer” vet. What a Racket Right? And yes there are VICTIMS.

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Port Townsend Jefferson County

 May 13th 2019. Hey Julie, says CVAR Sara here is the Lien Statute that Adam Karp gave us and Robert Looked up. Roady should be here until the owner can pay? Thing is Folks, Moses (Roady) was at CVAR illegally. Michael owed NOTHING for the Sheriff to hold his property, his emotional support dog hostage at CVAR in Quilcene against his will and his wishes. Michael had not contract with CVAR and NO CHOICE over the procedures they CRUELLY FORCED on Michael’s DOG. Then to charge him for it, for their illegal activity, WHAT?

Sanctimonious Sara says To Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie,

Any way to transport Michael’s family, his life, his property back here to Nurse Rachet at Center Valley Animal Rescue? Read Below 

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Port Townsend Jefferson County Gives Legal Advise to Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon, tells her to File a Civil Lien Against Michael Allmain.

 MAY 20th, 2019. Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie tells Sara Penhallegon, Director of 501(3)(c) Non-Profit Center Valley Animal Rescue to File a Lien against Michael Allmain. More Evidence of Premeditating a Lien for Future Forced Vet Bills. Another words, to STEAL MICHAELS DOG through Abuse of Process and Fraud on the Courts. 

After harassing, stalking, threatening, bullying, following, reporting Michael for years, and finally letting his dog loose. They used the Lien through Civil Court, to tie the hands of the Criminal Court as Moses was Evidence held by the City of Port Townsend at Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene and  to hold Michael[s property over a year from November 23, 2020 as an animal at large up until October 22nds 2021 when they got Moses FINALLY for good through Jefferson County Superior Court and a Civil Lien finally executing on their crimes. Your Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie was in on it for the Whole Time. the MOTIVE? Ask them, seems Emotional to Me and add in some criminal restitution, county and city paying invoices, and a bit of hey add CVAR to the county and city code.

  If He Appeals will it Go Back to Full Trial

Maybe Judge Harper is not the Judge for US Julie

 Maybe Judge Harper is not the Judge for US Julie, Says her Good Buddy Slanderious Sara of CVAR. Emails between Prosecutor Julie St. Marie and Center Valley Animal Rescue, they don't like that Shoop can own domestic pets, they want a different Judge for their criminal case next time, and YEP they got one. All on your DIME, your Prosecutor conspiring and giving legal advise to a local non-profit harming Jefferson County Citizens

Email from Sara to Julie St. Marie. I am working on my “Paul” Case. Defamation Constantly Against Michael.

 October 21st, 2019, Prosecutor Julie St. Marie and CVAR Sara Penhallegon, reviewing the narrative on Roady, will never call him Moses, someone said he was drug,  Flat out Defamation, Moses was not previously DRUG. This Malicious Woman never stops and your Authorities, your Prosecuting Attorney enable her and conspire with her. Email from Sara to Julie St. Marie. I am working on my “Paul” Case.

Julie later Says No Proof of Dragging

Saturday, October 30, 2021

I AM NOT SURE WHO GOT TO JUDGE MINDY WALKER. I am Sure that you Cannot Legally Have a Public Attorney in Court Without a RULING of INDIGENCY.

 I AM NOT SURE WHO GOT TO JUDGE MINDY WALKER. I am Sure that you Cannot Legally Have a Public Attorney in Court Without a RULING of INDIGENCY. 

How Can Judge Mindy Walker Render a Ruling that Michael Allmain is Not Indigent and the Affirmative Defense Does not Apply to Him, when she is Looking Right at Michael’s Attorney, that the County is Paying for as she RULED Michael Allmain Indigent, Financially Unable long ago. 

Who is Paying Michael’s Attorney Nat Jacobs in this Very Moment that she says Michael has not proven he is financially unable or indigent?  YOU Are Jefferson County.  You are paying Nat Jacobs because Michael proved he was unable and this VERY COURT, in this VERY Case RULED Michael H. Allmain Indigent. WOW Right. 

Clear Fraud on the Courts. Clear Blatant Corruption, and Why?  This Video takes a look at the Verdict again and the FORM that YOU would have to fill out in order for the court to rule you Indigent, Unable to Pay and Award you, Appoint You a Public Attorney. Something is Wrong Here Folks, HE can’t be Financially Unable and Financially Able at the same time and with a FREE ATTORNEY because he is Financially Unable.  

To Me there it is not plausible to say that Judge Mindy Walker erred in ruling that Michael Allmain was Financial Unable as she sits on the bench and says it directly to the attorney YOUR Paying for Jefferson County because she ruled Michael Allmain Indigent,and that attorney is still sitting right there in that very courtroom for that Ruling. Who Paid for Public Attorney Nat Jacobs to be in that Court Room that Day? If the public did then there was a ruling that Michael was unable to pay. And in this there had to be employment records, public assistance and more documents reviewed as that is in the application to get a Free Attorney, as seen in the video below.

This is Your Courts Jefferson County. Let’s Take a Deeper Look, Video Below.

March 22nd 2021 Michael Allmain Pleading for His Life on NextDooR. Prosecutor Julie St. Marie Skulking around WITHOUT Identifying she was the Prosecutor. Julie St. Marie had this Post Banned to Cover Up her Corruption, I ALLEGE. Michael Clearly Distraught She wants the Community to Look at "Public Records" and "Source Documents"

 Now Deleted NextDOOR Thread, of March 2021 where Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie was skulking around and NOT identifying she was the prosecutor and Gas lighting a Very Distraught poster, Michael Allmain whom she was conspiring against for Years, as the "public record" and "source documents" clearly show.

Below is a Video I Took of the Thread Before, after being there for 7 months, I draw attention to the TRUTH and WaLa Bye Bye. Oh well, it is not my first rodeo, I usually always get a copy of something before I dare comment on it. So here is the Thread if Interested from March 22nd 2021.

Tom Christopher Uptown South Removed the Post Soon After, as Seen Below. All those Lynch Mob Complainers Getting Posts removed Everywhere that humanize Michael Allmain.

"Public Records" and "Source Documents" Some Emails Between Slanderious Sanctimonious Sara of Center Valley Animal Rescue and Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputies.

May 17th 2019, CVAR Sara wanting paid, emails Sheriff for Michaels Address, he does not have one. She keeps going after him for her 3 weeks of holding Michael’s dog hostage and him not allowed to see his dog, NOT found guilty of a Crime, she chose what procedures to do without the Owners Input or Right to Choice, or CONSENT. Moses was at CVAR illegally and Yet she wants Paid. She seeks that continually from the Public with Donations, Seeks Restitution, Gets a Lien against Moses (Wins $25,000). Yet the Vet is Allegedly Volunteer and Sara is not a Licensed Vet.  She Wants to Serve Michael, a homeless man, a certified letter for a $9000 Bill for 3 weeks, while at the same time fundraising on the alleged Neglect and Abuse that Never Existed. 

CVAR Sara to Deputy Mark Apeland JCSD

May 17th, 2019

CVAR Sara to Sheriff’s Deputy Mark Apeland.  We want to Make Sure that the Shelter does not give the Dog back to the Owner.  Irrelevant Vets Sara worked up to Conspire against Michael after Moses had an Accident or Jumped April 13th 2021. We have a Lawyer Starting Tomorrow. (Keep in Mind folks, they met Attorney Adam Karp on the CVAR Lynch Mob Thread of May 12th 2021, Clear Proof of Premeditated Lien). She wants Paid no matter what, even if the Shelter will add it to their costs. Emails CVAR to JCSD, and James Kennedy Prosecuting Attorney in the Mix again too.

July 22nd 2019, this seems to be the First Time that CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Slanderous Sara contacted Officer Wendy Davis to Conspire with her on Operation Get Micheal Whatever It Takes. As she complained about Michael to the Sheriff and the Sheriff said it is a City Issue, so Sara contacted the City.  Here is eMail to Sheriff. She NEVER STOPPED.

June 14th, 2021, Sara Penhallegon of CVAR never Stops meddling in Michael Allmain’s Business. Constantly working with Prosecutors and Police to stalk, harass, defame, threaten Michael Allmain. They Email her back every time. They never once tell her to STOP, and it is clear what she is doing to this man. From Deputy Brian Peters to CVAR Sara

July 21st 2019, Linda Lemmon JL Plumbing, Beverly Taylor Barton Complaint

She Emails to All the Co-Conspirators, Prosecutors and ..

May 23rd 2019, How is the Investigation Going. I am Getting a lot of Calls Says Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara to Sheriff’s Deputy as threatens to have a lot of people call if he don’t answer her and constantly wants to know Michael’s private business. They Divulge his Business to her everytime she asks, Your Next READER. You have No Rights in Jefferson County Washington. The Authorities need to tell her to STOP, possibly arrest her for harassment, theft, stalking, inciting a violent mob, bait and switch, abuse of process, fraud on the courts. But instead they have NO respect for the “transients” and All Due Process and Human Rights, Civil Rights, Privacy Rights is out the window.

Deputy Brian Peterson is coming to get the Dog, Moses. Email to Sara at CVAR. Sara, all high and mighty, has him sign that they don’t want the dog to leave and its not a good thing. CVAR and Deputy Brian Peterson BROKE THE LAW. They violated Michael Allmain’s rights with total disregard for him.

Slanderous Sanctimonious Sara Penhallegon, Director of Center Valley Animal Rescue eMails to and from Jefferson County Sheriff Deputies

 Center Valley Animal Rescue eMails with Jefferson County Sheriff. Michael Allmain Case. Part ONE

 Center Valley Animal Rescue eMails with Jefferson County Sheriff. Michael Allmain Case. Part TWO

Some More CVAR and County eMails. And other Slanderous Busy Bodies. CVAR trying to STOP Paul from Obeying the LAW.

Center Valley Animal Rescue Robert Heck, Slanderous Sanctimonious Sara's Husband, eMails Jefferson County Commissioner Greg Brotherton. Paul Becker is Unfit to be the Director of the Jefferson County Humane Society. He has No Compassion. County Commissoner eMails Mr. CVAR back, he had talked to Judas James (Prosecutor James Kennedy). LYNCH MOB? Yep. 

Robert Heck WANTS PAID, the Lien Statute they got the day before from Animal Attorney Adam Karp he sends to Sara and it is sent to all authorities, they want paid for their illegal seizure and hostage holding, no visitation criminal activity. They forced Vet procedure's on Michael Allmain's property, his beloved dog Moses then went after Michael for payment for their crime. It violated State Law for Moses to be at CVAR in the First Place. 


Slanderous Sanctimonious Sara Penhallegon, Director of Center Valley Animal Rescue

CVAR Sara eMails with Jefferson County Commissioner Greg Brotherton. She is still mad at the Humane Society Director. Lies. Defamation? I think so.


This Slanderous Sanctimonious woman broke the Law and Stole this man's dog, enabled by the Jefferson County Sheriff, then threatened Michael and extorted him to get the Dog for Payment for Fees she said was volunteer, she got donations for, she billed the county and city for, then placed a premeditated lien years later and STOLE this Man's Property, the Sheriff, the Police, the Commissioners, ALL Four County Prosecutors, the City Attorney, and hundreds of County residents aided and abetted here, as the "public records" and "source documents" clearly show. 

We want that County Contracts NO MATTER WHAT. 

Check Out Sordid Sara's eMails to County Commissioner

Friday, October 29, 2021

#JusticeForMoses Judge Mindy Walker Committed a Crime I Allege. Reality ONE or Reality TWO. Whichever way you Go, She Flat out Committed Fraud on the Court I ALLEGE. Either Michael Allmain was Financial Unable and QUALIFIED for a PUBLIC Attorney or He was NOT. You CANNOT have Both Realities in the Same Court Case.

 Why Was Judge Mindy Walker willing to put her career, her assets, on the line for this particular dog? Was she Coerced or Threatened Somehow?

It is Clear that Reality ONE or Reality TWO, Judge Mindy Walker did not just err, in my opinion, she committed a clear and deliberate crime as she was in court with the Defendant and His Public Attorney she gave him with a COURT ORDER Signed on January 4th, 2021 because he was financially UNABLE (Indigent).

In the Guilty VERDICT 7-13-2021 Judge Mindy Walker Says, I see here, I don’t know what that criteria is that proves financially unable. I know Michael took his dog to the wash, I know he bought his dog (6 years ago). I don’t know that there was financial hardship.

Michael did not prove why homeless, or due to being financially unable. WHAT?

On January 4th 2021, Michael’s first time appearing in his Criminal Case he was determined to be financially unable.

The Evidence held by the City of Port Townsend in this Criminal Investigation was a Wolf Hybrid Dog named Moses. Evidence was held at CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene Washington by the City of Port Townsend. NO OWNER VISITATION OF ANY KIND EVER ALLOWED.

When a litigant is financially unable they have to apply for indigent status with that particular court.

They have to prove to the court, with convincing Evidence, such as a preponderance of Evidence, that they are financially unable, then the Court Makes a Determination if they are Financially Unable or Not Financially Unable. If not financially able the court rules FINANCIALLY UNABLE and appoints a Public Attorney, paid by the Jefferson County Taxpayers.

Judge Mindy Walker made such a Court Order/Ruling on Jan. 4th, 2021 in what I am calling Reality ONE and appointed Michael Allmain an attorney, then on July 13th, 2021 Judge Mindy Walker Moved to Reality TWO. See the Court Order RULING Michael H. Allmain Financially Unable. Click Below for That Ruling.

ON July 13th 2021, Reality TWO, Judge Mindy Walker ruled Michael Allmain GUILTY of Neglect and ABUSE, then said he did not have an Affirmative Defense because he had not proven with a preponderance of Evidence that he was Financially Unable.

Judge Mindy Walker said I have seen no record of bank accounts, no information of finances, no information on social benefits. I don’t know if he was employed or not employed, I am not finding the defendant has met the burden of proof of the affirmative defense of him being financially unable. So the Affirmative Defense does not apply in this case.

So Folks, YOU paid Big Money for Michael Allmain to have a Public Attorney because in Reality ONE Michael Allmain proved he was financially unable and the court order ruled such, and he was appointed a public attorney.

NOW in Reality TWO Michael H. Allmain has not proven he is financially unable. So Either Way the JUDGE has done something Awful at Best, Right? If he is not financially unable then it’s fraud to give him a free attorney, and if he is financially unable then the ruling was knowing, deliberate fraud.

You Can’t have Both Realities in the Same Court, Right? A COURT ORDER DEFENDANT Michael H. Allmain is Financially Unable. And a Court Ruling that Michael is Guilty because he has not Proven he is financially unable.

Michael Allmain was RULED Guilty at a Bench Trial with the Verdict on 7-13-2021.

Fraud on the Court? Judicial Corruption? Take a Look You Decide. Judge Mindy Walker Michael Allmain Case.

Also Remember If you were to apply for a Public Defender in Jefferson County Washington Port Townsend What would you need to do? Read Below to Understand that all the Judge says she did not see, well she sure should have to order him financial unable and appoint him an attorney.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie has Tom Christopher Uptown South NextDoor Admin Ban Michael Allmain, LIES about talking of Ongoing Case

Tom Christopher Uptown South BANS Michael Allmain from NEXTDOOR Talking about his Life, his Case and admits that people complained, ya I bet they did, tons of police complaints too by the Dangerous, Defaming, Cruel, Lawless CVAR Lynch Mob. 

It is Absolutely Legal to report on your court case, and comment or blog. I have done it for nearly 20 years now.

 After the whole last year Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie being on NextDoor and commenting on Michael Allmain’s legal case, WOW magically when Michael Comments on something other than wanting to Die. Next Door Admin. Tom Christopher Uptown South Bans Michael and divulges that many have complained on his posts. 

Tom Christopher Uptown South Protecting, Silencing and Enabling Jefferson County Corruption.

Michael in the Right, and tons of proof of what THEY, including Julie St. Marie were doing to him, he was pleading to his neighbors for help, TELLING THE TRUTH and he is Banned yet Julie St. Marie who did not even identify in the thread that she was the Prosecuting attorney, well that is just fine. 

Today Michael Allmain forgave Julie and was BANNED by NextDoor. They say we can’t discuss, talk about report on an ongoing case. FIRST OF ALL THAT IS NOT TRUE, BEEN DOING IT FOR DECADES ON THOUSANDS OF ONGOING CASES WORLD WIDE. 

So Tom Christopher Uptown South is Flat out WRONG and Discriminating. Michael was NOT talking about the case in the main thread, though that is LEGAL, as I said I have done it over a thousand times over decades. However, in contrast over the last year on that same thread Tom Christopher Uptown South banned Michael from today October 28th 2021, he allowed the Prosecutor to Gaslight Michael and comment on the case and tell the “community” to look at public records and basically say Michael was wrong, all the while she was conspiring to harm Michael, as the RECORD CLEARLY SHOWS.

Also NOTE the Case has been appealed, YES, SO WHAT, the Dog is Neutered and Gone FOREVER the Damage is not “ongoing” Tom Christopher Uptown South it is Said and Done, and even if it is ongoing that is not LEGAL and if the PROSECUTOR who conspired with CVAR to take his dog told you he can’t talk of an ongoing case, that's a lie, and if she did why tell Michael it’s better on Facebook. You don’t want YOUR Neighbors to READ the TRUTH for themselves. Clear Discrimination as Tom Christopher Uptown South allowed Julie St Marie to talk about the case and NOT even identify she was the Prosecutor. 

To suggest that Litigants cannot talk on NextDOOR about their ongoing case is bizarre, millions do. So I will be reporting Tom Christopher Uptown South to NextDoor as banning Michael was CLEAR discrimination and it is NOT true that you can’t talk about ongoing cases, especially a Bench Trial. Liar Liar Pants on Fire to Protect Corruption.

Here is Michael’s now infamous banning of the next door post pleading for his life where Julie St. Marie was allowed to talk of the “ongoing case” but Tom Christopher Uptown South banned Michael and the DOG IS GONE FOREVER.  This is your Community, your Neighbors. You could be their Next Target.

Posted Here Proudly By Reverend Crystal Cox

Jefferson County Undersheriff writes letter to Cover Up for Sara Penhallegon in Investigations, Complaints filed Against her.

The Investigation Cover Up for CVAR by Jefferson County Sheriff’s OFFICE. Let's Take a Deeper Look.

Port Hadlock resident calls 911 about a dog that looked “attacked”

Here is that Incident Report, 4-20-2019 

Michael Allmain had posted a lost dog on Facebook and called the Sheriff and asked if they had heard anything.  On April 25th 2019, Michael Allmain comes to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and signs a handwritten statement. Click Below for that 

Deputy Brian Peterson LIES to Homeless Man, Michael Allmain about the location of his dog and tells him it is at the Humane Society, per written serving of the Notice of IMPOUND on Date of Impound on it 4-20-2019.  No Date on signatures of Michael and Deputy (that date is actually 4-25-2019) Clock Below for the Fraudulent Notice of Impound and says dog at Human Society and 5 days to get back. 

Keep in mind per the 4-20-2019 Incident Report and Deputy Peterson added Narrative on 4-25-2021, Michael Allmain was Told that his dog was at a CONFIDENTIAL Location and would not be released unless the Vet said so, but what Vet. Sara was not a licensed Vet, It was illegal for Moses, Michaels Dog to be held hostage there and kept deliberately, painfully and maliciously from his owner Michael Allmain. Click below and go to the bottom for Deputy narrative stated the above. 

5-11-2019 Deputy Brian Peterson Picks up MOSES from CVAR as the ENTITY under contract with the county that should have had the dog per State LAW had complained. Sara had Deputy Peterson Sign this Document that day. Click Below 

Sara Penhallegon CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue Breaks the Law, there is an Investigation, Complaint Filed by Paul Becker according to her emails. So she asks your Sheriff’s to help her get out of the investigation. After she held this guy’s dog, away from him cruelly and let others visit his dog but not him, enabled by the Sheriff to hold this stolen property illegally. And she administered painful expensive treatments, claiming the dog aggressive but Moses was not aggressive to anyone else ever. She had treated him so cruelly. 

Center valley animal rescue, Sara Penhallegon sends an email to deputy Brian Peterson and deputy Andy Pernsteiner undersheriff on September 20th and she says this

“Hi Brian and Andy, I have been turned in by an anonymous person, bet you can guess who, to the veterinarian board over roadie/moses the dog transferred to cvar for emergency care. Can you provide any type of statement I can send to the board when I send our medical records and statements? I will be asking the PTP for the same over the Estes case. I'm hoping if I get them enough information this will be dropped fast and I won't have to worry about it. If you could just State reasoning for having us take this animal on emergency, needing emergency Care on a weekend and the local HS not having medical facilities hopefully our meeting with Philip Morley will help us fix this issue for good. I'm hoping we can work this out fast so animals in Jefferson county can get the care they need soon thanks everyone Sara”

Click Below for Those Emails 

On October 29th 2019 Jefferson County Sheriff's office Andy Pernsteiner sends a letter to Sara Penhallegon of Center Valley Animal Rescue that says the following:

“Dear Sara Penhallegon, on 420 2019 deputies responded to a report of a stray dog in lower hadlock in Port hadlock washington. The dog was badly injured and in need of emergency medical attention. This date was Saturday and has such emergency medical care for the animals limited in Jefferson county. The owner of the dog was unknown to the deputies at the time of the call and they believed it was in the best interest of the dog to receive immediate medical Care from center valley animal rescue. Deputy Denney transported the dog to cvar for medical care.

It was later determined that the dog had fallen out of the back of a pickup and the owner was attempting to get the dog back. The dog was transferred from cvar to Jefferson county humane society where they reunited the dog with its owner sincerely and the prince Steiner undersheriff Jefferson county”

Click Below for the Andy Pernstein, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Letter to CVAR Sara, after she emailed him, and other Jefferson County Sheriff Deputy's to cover up for her. 

It seems to have worked because CVAR was able to continue their 3 year attack on INNOCENT Michael Allmain, and all the while knowing he was innocent, as their emails to each other shows. This Thread is to Focus on how the Jefferson County Sheriff Enabled CVAR to commit a crime against Michael Allmain and have no liability and launch a 3 year attack on an innocent homeless man. 

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox, Universal Church of Light, Port Townsend.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Malicious Melissa Pleimann Prosecuting Attorney Jefferson County Washington.Flat Out Lies in a Court of Law Saying Michael Allmain DID not even try to get his Beloved Dog Moses Back.


Abandonment Statute Set Up Officer Wendy Davis Conspired with CVAR for the Abandonment Statute, THERE WAS NEVER Abandonment. Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann Conspires and Flat out LIES in a Court of Law stating that Michael Allmain NEVER tried to contact any of those people or agencies.

Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann FLAT Out Lies to a Judge and Bears False Witness I say, in Stating Fraudulently that Michael Allmain Never Tried to Contact anyone therefore HE IS NOT GETTING HIS DOG BACK.

Michael Allmain Did Contact the Police, Wendy Davis and other, and the humane society and prosecuting office


Michael Allmain Case, Nat Jacobs Defense Attorney Expert Witness Dr. Heather Houser DVM Testifies in Michael Allmain Criminal Case Port Townsend

 Part ONE

Part TWO

Posted Here By Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light

Center Valley Animal Rescue, 501 Non Profit SAYS they WILL Not Help Animal even if Suffering.


Monday, October 25, 2021

#JusticeForMoses Officer Wendy Davis Conspired with CVAR for the Abandonment Statute, THERE WAS NEVER Abandonment. Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann Conspires and Flat out LIES in a Court of Law stating that Michael Allmain NEVER tried to contact any of those people or agencies.

 Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Pleimann FLAT Out Lies to a Judge and Bears False Witness I say, in Stating Fraudulently that Michael Allmain Never Tried to Contact anyone therefore HE IS NOT GETTING HIS DOG BACK.

Michael Allmain Did Contact the Police, Wendy Davis and other, and the human society and prosecuting office

November 26th, 2020 Michael Allmain contacts the Human Society

Officer Wendy Davis Deposition, she admits she talked to own next day, but still tried to set him up for Abandonment 

November 24th 2020 Incident Report PROVING, not even 24 hours after the took Michael Allmain's Dog, he contacted that Exact Officer, yet she tried to set him up for Abandonment. 

December 1st 202 email to CVAR from Officer Wendy Davis, DOG IS NOT ABANDONED, Owner is Upset and wants him back, admits owner contacted her

December 6th 2020 Incident Report, Michael Allmain Calls police about his dog, they refer him back to Officer Wendy Davis (630). Here is that Incident Report Below December 6th 2020 

eMail Officer Wendy Davis of the Port Townsend Police to Sara Penhallegon, Director of Animal Rescue non-profit Center Valley Animal Rescue, "on the Premise" of the Abandonment Statute.

Also in Early December Contact was Made with Prosecuting Attorney Chris Ashcraft.  More of those eMails coming soon.


Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Even if You Consider Commercial Value Only. Moses had Puppies 7 to a batch, and Michael Allmain was Deprived of this Commercial Value as Well.

 How much do wolf dogs sell for?

A wolf dog puppy typically costs between $1,000 and $3,000. 

Moses Puppies, this was a few years back and they sold for $700 each. Now they are worth alot more.

Center Valley Animal Rescue Witness, Vet Dr. Parker Graham in the Michael Allmain Criminal Case under Oath, says she is a Volunteer, at CVAR yet she invoiced the City of Port Townsend and CVAR placed a lien on Michael Allmain's Property, his dog moses, to pay for those services.

 Testimony of Center Valley Animal Rescue VET that she is Volunteer AND the BIG Emergency WORTH Michael Allmain's Life is "Skin Issues and "Potentially" Underweight"


So Was Dr. Parker Graham a Volunteer as she Said under Sworn Oath or a PAID Vet, Paid by the City of Port Townsend, through CVAR, and without the Owner having any rights. 

Still calling Moses the Sick name of Roady. 5 days after this Adam Karp, Animal Attorney for CVAR, (premeditated lien) sent a lien invoice to Officer Wendy Davis and Melissa Pleimann Prosecuting Attorney, and they sure seem to BILL Michael Allmain for something the City is already paying for. What a Racket Right. Good thing she is a Volunteer. And CVAR is saving the City and County SO Much Money right? NOT

Officer Wendy Davis Report, Invoice for Dr. Parker Graham

Below We See Links to a Police Report where Dr. Parker Graham Invoiced the Port Townsend Police Through Center Valley Animal Rescue, yet claimed volunteers, and also CVAR sued Michael Allmain, through the civil courts for the same costs the city was billed for and presumable paid. 

Click Below for Police Report On Dr. Grahams INVOICE (Not Volunteer)

Parker Graham Invoice, More

December 14th, 2020

Letting Christine Parker Graham and CVAR know that Michael has been charged, yet he gets NO Criminal Attorney until January 4th 2021 when court rules Michael Allmain Indigent and appoints him a public attorney.

November 30th, 2020. Center Valley Animal Rescues Volunteer Vet Christine Parker Graham sends INVOICE to City of Port Townsend Officer Wendy Davis, then CVAR sues for those same FEES. Christine Parker Graham testified under oath she was a “volunteer” vet. What a Racket Right? And yes there are VICTIMS.

Center Valley Animal Rescue Vet Christine Parker Graham testified in the Michael Allmain CRIMINAL Case, District Court, Judge Mindy Walker,  that She was a Volunteer

Click Below for an INVOICE submitted across the Hall in Civil Court, Superior Court Judge Keith Harper (CVAR Vs. ALLMAIN). So did Christine Parker Graham lie under Oath or is she lying in Civil Court to aid and abet the premeditated theft of a valuable dog, half timber wolf, emotional support animal belonging to the man they sued, after holding his dog for nearly a year by then as EVIDENCE in a Criminal Case for Law Enforcement, the Port Townsend Police? 

Sara Penhallegon, Center Valley Animal Rescue 501(c)3 Non-Profit got Grants, Donations, and Invoiced her Vets, all the while telling the Public that she would pay the ongoing costs of Moses care and told Officer Wendy Davis if the City Could not afford it CVAR would Pay, then in Illegal BAIT and SWITCH, they sued the owner of the Dog, MOSES for those Same Fees, see they wanted this DOG NO MATTER what they had to do and they got him.